Reduce Damage Received From NCPs

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Apr 10, 2018.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Knowing that you can't have both commonwealth officers on at the same time brings up some questions.

    How are some players able to hit so hard (like twice or more than I do) yet also sustain so little damage from NCPs (like 20% of what I do) at the same time? These officers go a long way towards explaining one or the other, but how do you get a ship to be both at the same time?

    For this thread, lets concentrate on how do I reduce the damage received from NCPs without having the Commonwealth Guardian on?

    I've got fairly good damage reduction and dodge gems on my ship/pet (13% dodge, 18% prevention) and every castle/skill (Adamantine Hull 16% prevention, Voodoo Mirage 4% dodge ) that I can think of related to reducing damage received, yet I seem to be so low compared to some. Sure some of these are not yet at the top, but even once there I'm not going to receive enough reduction to account for what I see in others. So, I must be missing something, other than the Guardian.

    In summary, I have 34% prevention and 17% dodge. Against an NCP I should receive effectively 51% less damage than the NCP is capable of.

    Now an example; The Renown hit me hard at 50k+, so that means they hit at 100k+. I've seen players only receive 9k from them. That means that they have at least 90% reduction total from both dodge and prevention. If I add in the Guardian at 50% dodge, then I'd be comparable. However, this same ship was able to hit it at over twice what I could, implying that the sellsword was just as likely to be on it as the guardian.

    So, what am I missing? What else can I do to reduce damage received?
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    There are many many factors which can attribute to the damage the player receives.

    I can tell you that although we do not have the exact figures, some NPCs have more Hit Probability than others and some have more Cannon Damage. This means that depending on the NPC, some times Dodge is more effective, sometimes Damage Prevention is more effective.

    In the scenario you have mentioned above with the HRMS Renown, I can, from personal experience, tell you that Damage Prevention is more effective against Commonwealth NPC's and Dodge does not provide a huge benefit.

    I recommend you read both
    Maximum Dodge Chance and Maximum Damage Prevention, these will not only show you what the maximum values are, but a breakdown of how these can be achieved.

    If you would like, I could move this Thread to the New Pirate Tutorials section of the forum so this can remain open and allow other players to give you their findings and opinions?

  3. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

  4. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Thank you both for the links, they have some helpful information in them. :)

    Is there a way to obtain Ribs without real money? Like with pearls or crowns (or gold LOL )?
  5. sertatumsingi

    sertatumsingi Junior Expert

    you can also put damage reduction gems on your pet ; I have one of 15 % And to be able to hit the HRMS hard you need about 130% or more hitchance

    edit ; i now see you wrote ship/pet
    agwe and agwe talents should give 10 + 12
    combined with your 34 that gives 56% dmg reduction already
  6. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Oops, I forgot to mention skills.

    I do have 12% Agwe Armor skill (it goes to 14% max) and always have the armor active, so I guess I am at 56% prevention. That makes it even harder to imagine how others take 20% of the damage I do.
  7. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Looking through the Maximum link I see that there is some upside on my ship gems. I could gain 6% from the aquamarine. As for the pet, since I can't put more than 2 gems on a pet (unless someone knows how to get more?) its a trade off between attack and defense. Put on a damage reduction gem and then you don't hit as hard, very similar to the officers dilemma.

    That post mentions a ship gem called Aventurine, is that one of the special gems? How would I get one of those?

    It also list Super Armor Plates, which I remember seeing ages ago, but not recently. Looking them up. I see that you need to be at BP level 25 to buy them (at 200 pearls each). That's not going to happen for me and even if it did, that's too high a price to imagine there is any profit in them.
  8. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Unfortunately, not an option at this moment in time!

    Remember this is cash hungry Bigpoint we are dealing with, hence the ridiculous planned release of yet more new unnecessary and appropriately named, 'Painbringer' Cannons.:rolleyes: To add further insult to the injuries already caused by this ignorant and arrogant company.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  9. M.C.F.C.

    M.C.F.C. Someday Author

    pmsl GM you still playing this cash hungry, over complicated , cheat ridden game ?
    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  10. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    May as well see it out to the bitter end now. m8..... The Death Knell surely cometh, sooneth.

    I can feel it in my waters, the urine'th ha'th been taken for too long'eth! (lol):eek:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Lady.Wolf and M.C.F.C. like this.
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