Bug Reinforced ribs

Discussion in 'Help' started by Satan_Himself, Sep 21, 2018.

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  1. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    I bought these items expecting a damge reduction as announced, knowing that the damage reduction does not stack and is divided by the amount of ribs. What no one told me is that the damage reduction is divided by the amount of extensions, making the 2 ribs I purchased completely useless unless I buy more to fill all my extensions space.

    I would like to know if this is a bug or I have been ripped off. If it is the second, how can I request a refund?
  2. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    If you put on any other extensions other than the ribs it reduces the amount of defense the ribs do
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The damage prevention attribute on the Reinforced Ribs is an average, meaning it is divided by as many extensions as you have equipped then multiplied by the extensions which provide that bonus. This is intended.

    Simply having the two Reinforced Ribs equipped with no further extension will provide the full damage prevention benefit.

    You will need to contact Support should you wish to enquire about a refund.


    As there has been no further response, this thread shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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