Removing cannons to add More Pirates?

Discussion in 'Help' started by The*Defiant, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Hello! My User ID: 40/39576125; My Ship Name is The*Defiant; U.S. East Server. I have tried to pull 10 cannons off of several different decks (for one example: my Pearl Deck number 10 - which (by the way) has *Not* been crystal-upgraded) so that I could add more pirates to increase my "Pirates' Total Attack Power". It didn't work. I thought I could do this through the "Board" tab on the Seachart; is this no longer possible? Or if so, how? Thank you for your time and help!
  2. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    Hello The*Defiant, you cannot exchange cannons for pirates on your decks. The number of pirates per deck is supposed to be 30, but due to a bug in the pirate system, you get 10 per deck. You may put on 10 cannons or 10 beams or a combination of cannons and beams that equals 10. When you upgrade your decks you will be able to have 10 cannons and 10 beams. Each upgrade beyond this will give you a space for one more cannon and one more beam. The upgrades are done in the crystal cave under the trader tab. Selecting your beams and cannons is done in your ship trove.

    As for the pirates, the number you are allowed per deck is not selectable. After you have hired them from the tavern you may to to the board tab on the water page and select how many you want to use.

    hope this helps
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Has this answered your question?
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Hello The*Defiant, you cannot exchange cannons for pirates on your decks. The number of pirates per deck is supposed to be 30, but due to a bug in the pirate system, you get 10 per deck. You may put on 10 cannons or 10 beams or a combination of cannons and beams that equals 10. When you upgrade your decks you will be able to have 10 cannons and 10 beams. Each upgrade beyond this will give you a space for one more cannon and one more beam. The upgrades are done in the crystal cave under the trader tab. Selecting your beams and cannons is done in your ship trove.

    As for the pirates, the number you are allowed per deck is not selectable. After you have hired them from the tavern you may to to the board tab on the water page and select how many you want to use.

    hope this helps

    *GRUDGE*, Yesterday at 3:52 PM

    No - that is incorrect. Tonight I had a friend of mine (on my same Server- US East) with 450 pirates total remove 12 Beams off of one Pearl deck, and his capacity for pirates increased to 450/460. He then went to the "Board" tab and re-equipped pirates... the ship overview changed to "Pirates: 460/460". So I am totally baffled. I tried this exact same technique on my ship and it did *not* work. However, I do have the King's Legacy and my Pirate capacity is 525, so maybe that is the maximum pirates allowed....?
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    We are still waiting on the pirate issue being fully repaired.
  6. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you mate....I appreciate that information and update!
  7. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Fully answered.

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