Repair & Conquer

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, May 30, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Repair & Conquer

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We’d like to introduce two new items to you; Repair Ammunition Level 2 and Repair Cannons Level 3!

    This work exactly the same way as the older Repair Ammunition Level 1 and Repair Cannons Level 1 and 2, however, with some additional benefits!

    Repair Ammo Level 2:

    The standard amount of healing from Repair Ammo Level 1 is 0.03% of your targets missing hitpoints per repair ball, this ammunition repairs at a rate of 0.05%.

    Instead of the 100% Elitepoints provided by the Level 1 ammunition, this ammunition provides 200%!

    Repair Cannon Level 3:
    • The repair cannon has the following stats;
    • Reload Time: 6.5s (7s for level 2)
    • Hit Probability: 77 (75 for level 2)
    • Range: 27 (25 for level 2)
    • Elitepoints: 1.1 per cannon (1 for level 2)
    • Maximum Voodoo Points healing value: 15 per cannon (0 for level 2)
    • EXP from healing: 0.0125% per cannon (0% for level 2)
    • Repair cannon Voodoo Points healing efficiency: 0.0025% per cannon (0 for level 2) only when Level 2 Repair Ammunition is equipped
    This means that when you are using Repair Ammunition Level 2, you will be able to heal your targets voodoo points as well as hitpoints.

    While using this cannon, its reload will be faster, it has better range and hit probably, and you earn more elite points than the level 1 or 2 repair cannon.

    Finally, with the Repair Cannon level 3, you also increase the amount of EXP you earn from healing your target!

    And yes, we have enabled the ability to earn Elite Points from healing again!

    Your Seafight Team