repair contracts part 2

Discussion in 'Help' started by WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT, Aug 7, 2014.

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    WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT Forum Apprentice

    i know what was in OA about those items, and i know it would take "sometimes"

    What i wanna know is the definintion of " sometimes " , cause it past half a year and nothing has happend yet.

    May a mod can give a reminder to SF that there is still something open that has to get resolved before everyboddy on that game forgets about it.

    Sometime in my understanding is 2-3 month and not 6 month with no further information.
  2. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    right now, docks are not priority, they will eventually get done, you just have to be patient. oh and sometimes usually mean a long long long time.
  3. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The Dock repair agreements will be changed over. However this will take sometime- as players were told.

    We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

    As answered, I shall close.

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