Suggestion Report on the Winter Thaw – Profitability and Costs

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by Sr.Brington, Jan 10, 2025.

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Your opinion is important

  1. The cost of Ice Ammunition is too high.

  2. The pearl rewards are insufficient.

  3. The event is not profitable, especially for lower-damage ships.

  4. I am satisfied with the event as it is.

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  1. Sr.Brington

    Sr.Brington Forum Greenhorn

    [Complete Report on the Winter Thaw – Profitability and Costs]

    Ahoy, pirates! ❄️⚓

    I have conducted a thorough analysis of the costs and rewards in the Winter Thaw, focusing on the production and use of Ice Ammunition, along with the profitability when engaging with event NPCs. I aim to be fully transparent with the calculations and break down every detail so the entire community can understand where the numbers come from.
    Important Note:
    These calculations have been made based on a medium-power ship. If you are a player with lower damage or fewer cannons, the results will be even less favorable, as more shots and ammunition will be required, leading to a higher resource expenditure.
    Cost of Producing Freezing Ammunition and Ice Ammunition:

    To participate effectively in the event, you need to craft Ice Ammunition, which involves a costly production process.

    Crystal Cost:

    - 1 Crystal = between 265 and 300 pearls (300 pearls used for maximum estimation).

    Crafting 1000 Freezing Ammunition:
    - 9 Crystals = 2,700 pearls
    - 1 Safanad
    - 860-900 additional pearls (900 pearls estimated).

    Total for 1000 Freezing Ammunition:

    2,700 (Crystals) + 900 (Pearls) = 3,600 pearls + 1 Safanad.
    Crafting 1000 Ice Ammunition:

    To craft 1000 Ice Ammunition, the requirements are:
    - 9 Crystals = 2,700 pearls
    - 900 Freezing Ammunition (previously crafted).
    - 900 additional pearls.
    Total cost for 1000 Ice Ammunition:
    6,840 pearls + 1 Safanad
    Damage and Ammunition Consumption per Shot:

    - An average player has 600 cannons.
    - Each shot consumes 600 ammunition.
    - Normal damage: 780,000 - 800,000
    - Critical damage: 930,000 - 960,000
    - Estimated Average Damage: 850,000 per shot.
    - Each shot occurs approximately every 1.7 seconds.

    Calculation of Required Ammunition per NPC:

    To defeat an NPC, the following formulas were used:
    Required Shots = NPC Life / Average Damage
    Ammunition Needed = Required Shots × 600 ammunition
    Specific NPC Calculations:

    Black Ram:

    - Life: 7,500,000
    - Shots Required: 8.82 shots
    - Ammunition Needed: 5,292 ammunition
    - Ammunition Cost: 36,177 pearls
    - Reward: 44,000 pearls
    - Profit: +7,822 pearls


    Elegant Elk:
    - Life: 15,000,000
    - Shots Required: 17.64 shots
    - Ammunition Needed: 10,584 ammunition
    - Ammunition Cost: 72,412 pearls
    - Reward: 95,000 pearls
    - Profit: +22,587 pearls


    Grumpy Boar:
    - Life: 1,900,000
    - Shots Required: 2.23 shots
    - Ammunition Needed: 1,338 ammunition
    - Ammunition Cost: 9,158 pearls
    - Reward: 12,600 pearls
    - Profit: +3,442 pearls


    ⚖️ Conclusions and Detected Issues:

    1. High Costs: Crafting Ice Ammunition is extremely expensive compared to the rewards obtained.
    2. Low Profitability: While there is a positive pearl gain, the profit margin is minimal considering the resources and time invested.
    3. Worse for Smaller Ships: These calculations are based on a medium-power ship. For players with lower damage, profitability drops drastically as more shots and ammunition are required, increasing costs without improving rewards.
    4. Suggested Improvements:
    - Increase the pearl rewards for the event NPCs.
    - Reduce the costs of producing Ice Ammunition.
    - Rebalance the relationship between damage dealt and rewards received.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Some comments:
    • You must have Premium as I pay 10 crystals and 1000 ammo. So, it's even worse for non-premium.
    • Average cannons is way less than 600. And your damage estimates are also above average. So, it's even worse for most of us. I'm level 50, which should be above average and I'm below your average estimates.
    • Event Chests are also twice the usual pearl cost plus the crystals.
    • Conclusion: It's worse than your estimate. I agree that things need to be rebalanced.
  3. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    average cannons 600-620
    cheap payment ship 640-660
    for high level ships pearl profit is meaningless as most players have over 1bil pearls

    small ships can make a pearl profit just use flares.
    -PUSAT- likes this.