
Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by cʟαш, Jun 17, 2017.

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  1. cʟαш

    cʟαш Active Author

    well as the event planned, u have to be part of 1 of 2 teams (yellow or blue), shooting small NPC's or admiral one's, collecting coins to be able to buy goods in BM, each small NPC gives out 3 coins and 2 reputation!
    So for example if u going for the BM design u need 1000 Plato's & Solon's coins

    Plato's: 1000/3 coins (from Monarchs Marauder) = almost 334 NPC, which means too 334*3 reputation = 1000 reputation! thats for JUST PLATO'S COINS!

    Solon's: for this 1000 coins u need to get ur Dalton's Armada reputation = ZERO to start earn rewards out from Mortimer Gray NPC's, shooting other team npcs gives no any reward just 1 reputation! which means u have to shoot 1000 Mortimer Gray and earn 0 pearls, ammo, EP just to go back to zero reputation of each and then start all over collecting Solon's!

    Just a little calculation for an goods in the BM!

    You guys kidding? is it really wat the event planned to be? hope to be wrong but dont think i'm
  2. Perahu.Kertas

    Perahu.Kertas Someday Author

    Same i too ..
    IN my alliance all yellow group only im in blue group :-(
  3. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    BP seriously needs to install into this event some mechanism for resetting your reputation, e.g. a Letter of Marque or somit...

    It could be at a pearl cost, or an amount of coins from the faction, you are trying to join (as a token of forgiveness).

    Best regards,

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
  4. яєι∂σѕ8мαяєѕ

    яєι∂σѕ8мαяєѕ Forum Apprentice

    You guys mean that the event won't reset back every 24h? I won't be able to shoot yellow npc or something next week?
  5. Corsair_Bill

    Corsair_Bill Forum Connoisseur

    The event is almost like the old clash of titans event, the only way to earn rep points is to shoot the small npc's, if you want to switch say, from blue to yellow, you need to shoot only the yellow npc's, that is the only way to remove the blue npc's rep points, that I am aware of, pretty sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken.
  6. cʟαш

    cʟαш Active Author

    your team NPC's gives 2 rep points as a start, once ur rep points rise up u earn more than 5 per NPC, other team NPC's give 1 rep point! so if u have 100 rep point u have to shoot 100 NPC's other side to make it ZERO!

  7. InDoSHeLL

    InDoSHeLL Forum Greenhorn

    If I have 5000 rep, Means I shoot 5000 npc?
    Oh my God
  8. Nacho™

    Nacho™ Someday Author

    this is so ridiculous
  9. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    You are not supposed to be changing sides for this Event. The higher your reputation the more rewards you should be earning, to a maximum of 5 per ship.

    Yes, you can get the "other sides" coins by converting your sides coins in the black market at a ratio of 10:1, however I believe that is more of an option instead of the main way to get the "other sides coins".

    By completing and winning the Domination Arena (group map) you receive 10 of the "other sides coins". This Group Map can take anywhere from 4 minutes to 10 minutes normally. To get the skin, you would be required to win 100 times, over 14 days that is only about 8 wins a day. Not to mention that as you said you can then convert your coins so you dont have to win as many times, you can also collect Event Chests and get the coins.

    They designed this Event so that you get your Coins from doing the Event on the Water, and the Other Sides coins mainly from the Domination Arena.

    Also, with the latest code: ARENACIVILWAR you shall receive 150 of each type of coin; reducing the amount you shall need in total.

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