rewards question...

Discussion in 'Help' started by Madness_051-2, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    Here is what I recieved from an Admiral Quintor... The EP and Addy pts are correct but shouldn't the pearl reward be higher? These are more difficult to take down than a Marduk. I had like 7 waves vs the 3 or 4 waves of vuurs pop also... if this is a new development, may we have that update brought to the rest of the game's community so that when they go to take one on they are aware of it?

    Madness_051-2 12130218 US East

    2014-07-30 19:24:45
    You received 12 Admiral Points.
    2014-07-30 19:24:45
    You received 24557 EP (experience points).
    2014-07-30 19:24:45
    You received 6452 pearls.
  2. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    the amount of pearls received is correct, I did one yesterday and got a similar reward. they are best to be done with hollows to make sure it's a complete profit
  3. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    i think the reward is correct as bp stated
    but yes it should be more pearls reward , maybe you should add a poll
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    The reward is indeed correct. If you wish to take Bahaa's advice on making a poll, please feel free to do so in the ideas section. We will watch for the player's views on this.
    Bahaa likes this.
  5. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    Rog-o Mod 39. Ya can close and I'll post the poll. :D
    Bahaa likes this.
  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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