Rise of the Dragon

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Rise of the Dragon

    The event starts at
    Thursday, 14th March at 12:00 noon and ends Wednesday, 27th March at 23:59.

    All times are local server times.

    Rise of the Dragon features the following:

    • 5 NEW Ship Designs to earn
    • 3 NEW Submarine Designs to earn
    • Quests, Repeatable Quests and Secret Quests
    • Dragons, NPCs and Drakir to defeat!
    • Event Chests
    • Atlantis Chests
    • Shipwrecks and Valuable Wrecks
    • Atlantis Shipwrecks
    • 3 returning minigames
    • 1 NEW minigame
    • 1 NEW groupmap
    • 2 Rankings
    • Rise of the Dragon Event Completion
    • Domain of the Dragon Event Completion
    Time and Date

    The event starts on 14th March at 12:00 noon and ends at 23:59 on 27th March.

    Phase 2, which contains new quests, and a new group map will begin on March 18th at 12:00 noon.

    Phase 3, which will feature more quests, will begin on March 24th at 12:00 noon.

    General Info

    Throughout this event we have a number of NPCs that can be found sailing the oceans.

    ‘Servile Scout’ in maps 5 to 27/1, ‘Wrathful Waverider’ in maps 27/1 to 50/1, ‘Ocean Obliterator’ in the Lost Fleet maps 45/2 to 54/1, and all three of these ships can provoke the spawn of the ‘Destructor of Innocents’.

    In Atlantis the Drakirs are unhappy, you will find in all Atlantis maps 1/1 to 4/2 ‘Drakir Battler’ and ‘Drakir Destructor’, both with the chance to provoke the ‘Drakir Chieftain’ to join the fight.

    Dragons are here! ‘Draconis’ will be found in maps 5 to 54/1, with the chance to provoke ‘Defiled Draconis’.

    Tsunami Golems are here again, and can also be found in the maps 5 to 54/1.

    With ‘Death by Cake’ spawning in Phase 2 as a very rare spawn.

    Event Completion

    During this event you will find two Event Completion windows.

    One is for the Rise of the Dragon event, which will last until the end of this event.

    The second event completion is for the Domain of the Dragon, which will last throughout the Rise of the Dragon Event and the next event.

    This means this one will require you to complete tasks in both events in order for you to complete it.

    • Draconis:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP , if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins or event points.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Confetti ammo or Yulong coins.
    • Defiled Draconis:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP , if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points or Porla Seeds.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Confetti ammo or Yulong coins.
    • Servile Scout:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, or Dried Sandflowers.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Safanad or Orichalkum.
    • Wrathful Waverider:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, or Dried Sandflowers.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Safanad or Dried Sandflowers.
    • Ocean Obliterator:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, Plato’s coin or Dried Sandflowers.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Plato’s Coin or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the Last Shot will earn either Plato’s Coins or Orichalkum.
    • Destructor of Innocents:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, Plato’s coin or Porla Seeds.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Porla Seeds, Orichalkum or Clawed Corsair Ship Design (Fallback: Confetti Ammunitions).
      • The player who inflicts the Last Shot will earn either Plato’s Coins, Porla Seeds, Orichalkum or Clawed Corsair Ship Design (Fallback: Confetti Ammunitions).
    • Death by Cake:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, or Solon’s Coin
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Recipe Bastion lv5 or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the Last Shot will earn either Solon’s Coin or Orichalkum.
    • Drakir Battler:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, Shellshock Torpedoes or Dried Sandflowers
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Dried Sandflowers or Orichalkum.
    • Drakir Destructor:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, or Dried Sandflowers
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Dried Sandflowers or Orichalkum.
    • Drakir Chieftain:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, if you have more than 1 event point, you have a chance to get either Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Safanad Coins, Event points, Orichalkum, or Solon’s Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the Most Damage and has more than 1 event point will be rewarded with Dried Uncommon Tools, Orichalkum or Scaled Submersible Design (Fallback: Shellshock Torpedoes).
      • The player who inflicts the Last Shot will earn either Solon’s Coin, Orichalkum or Scaled Submersible Design (Fallback: Shellshock Torpedoes).
    Event Treasure Chests

    In the Event Treasure Chests you find many useful items, like Confetti Ammunition, Taureau Amulets, Blood of the Inya, Poseidon’s Crowns, Bastion Cannons Level 4, Mojo and many more.

    Atlantis Treasure Chests

    In the Atlantis Treasure Chests you find many useful items, like Shellshock Torpedoes, Taureau Amulets, Blood of the Inya, Lion’s Fire, Bloodlust, Chi Chi Sticks and many more.


    The shipwrecks must be shot with harpoons. In the Shipwreck, you find many useful items, like Confetti Ammunition, Love Potion n8, Super Armor Plates, Dragon Powder, Overlord lv 4 and many more.

    Valuable Wrecks

    The shipwrecks must be shot with harpoons. The player who inflicts the most damage gets many useful items such as Yulong Coins, Safanad Coins, Lost Loves, Contact Mines and Homing Mines.

    Atlantis Shipwrecks

    The shipwrecks must be shot with harpoons. In the Shipwreck, you find many useful items, like Shellshock Torpedoes, Super Armor Plates, Dragon Powder, Porla Seeds and many more.

    Dragon Hoard (group map)

    Within this map, you and your companions will attempt to steal treasure being protected by the mighty dragon Kalytron.

    Kalytron is far too strong to defeat at this point, and your ammunition will do nothing to damage him. However, luckily he is easily distracted – it's your role to keep Kalytron from defeating the hoarders who have joined you in the map.

    Hoarders spawn with you in the map and head in three different directions heading towards the loot area in the top right of the map.

    Once they have reached that area, they start to head back to the start location to stash the loot they’ve stole for you.

    Should they get to close to Kalytron, he won’t hesitate to burn their ships.

    If hoarders are being damaged over time, they will stop following their normal path and follow the closest player for a time, in a hope you can save them.

    The map is won when you have lasted as long as you can, and all the hoarders have died.

    You will then receive the rewards of the map as well as any loot the hoarders have successfully stole.

    The value of the loot increases a number of times once all the loot of a lower value has been stolen.

    If you get sunk you will leave the map and not gain any rewards.

    If all players get sunk then the map is lost.

    Work together to be a distraction, heal your companions, and steal as much treasure as you can pirates!

    Mini Games

    We have 4 minigames for you during the event, 3 you may have played before, and one new minigame; Burning Desire.

    In order to access the mini-games you need tickets (normal or hexed depending on the type of minigame).

    Once you have enough tickets, you can access the mini-games by speaking to Killian Drake.

    There are 3 versions of every mini-game:

    • Training version (free)
    • Normal version (costs tickets)
    • Hexed Version (costs hexx tickets)
    The Hexed versions of the mini-games are slightly harder than their normal counterpart, but you’ll receive better rewards for your efforts!

    The rewards you earn depend on which score you get; “Acceptable”, “Outstanding” or “Perfect”.

    The mini-games are as follows:

    The High Striker:

    The goal of the High Striker game is to complete as many waves as possible in the given time.

    There are multiple waves of Lucas NPCs, each with an increasing amount of Hit-Points. The Lucas NPCs has an increased chance of getting hit and takes an increased amount of damage!

    If you use a hexed ticket to join the hexed version of the High Striker map, you see an additional buoy, around which a buff zone spawns.

    You can move the buoy around the map by hitting it around the sea chart.

    Once the buoy is left in position, a buff zone spawns around it.

    If you shoot Lucas from the buff zone you cause even more damage.

    This game lasts for a set duration and as soon as the time is up, you are transported out of the map.
    Speed Racer:

    The goal of the Speed Racer Map is to complete the race as quickly as possible.

    On this map is a race track created from islands, buoys and checkpoints.

    You must sail around the race track as fast as you can and complete it in the quickest time possible.

    There are NPCs on the side of the track, which will fire at you if you get too close!
    If you use a hexed ticket to join the hexed version of the Speed Racer map, you see additional speed and slow zones which could help or hinder your time.

    As soon as you have either completed the race or the time is up you are transported out of the map.
    Shepherd’s Game:

    The goal of the Shepherd’s Game is to herd as many NPCs as possible in the given time.

    On this map you see a NPC and a zone.

    Your task is to herd the NPC into the zone, after which the NPC disappears.

    Once you have herded a NPC a new NPC and buff zone appears for you to continue herding.

    If you use a hexed ticket to join the hexed version of the Shepherd’s Game map, you see additional zones.

    In between herding NPCs, you see another zone which you have to sail into yourself.

    This gives you an additional point before having to herd the next NPC into another zone.

    This game lasts for a set duration and as soon as the time is up you will be transported out of the map.

    Burning Desire:

    The goal of the Burning Desire game is to survive as many waves as possible.

    On this map you will face waves of NPCs, with each wave the amount increases and the strength of the NPCs.

    These NPCs will constantly sail towards the player and take continuous damage.

    Once they die, they will explode and deal damage to you and other NPCs nearby.

    The score you can achieve relates to how many waves you have survived.

    The game lasts for a set duration and as soon as the time is up, you die, or you have finished the last wave, you will be transported out of the map.

    Event Ranking

    The event ranking tracks the amount of event completion points you earn and has following rewards at the end of the event.

    1.15x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    5x Divine Booty Bag
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    7x Gemini Primus
    7x Gemini Secundus
    2. - 5.10x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    5x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    3x Astral Familiar Booty Bag
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    4x Gemini Primus
    4x Gemini Secundus
    6. - 10.8x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    3x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    3x Gemini Primus
    3x Gemini Secundus
    11. - 50.5x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Taurus Bonus Map
    2x Gemini Primus
    2x Gemini Secundus
    51. - 100.3x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Taurus Bonus Map
    2x Gemini Primus
    2x Gemini Secundus
    2 Random2x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    4 Random3x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    4 Random1x Taurus Bonus Map

    Group Map Ranking

    The group map ranking tracks the amount of time you spend in a single group map, the longer you remain the better your ranking.

    The following rewards are given at the end of the event.

    1.15x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    5x Divine Booty Bag
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    7x Gemini Primus
    7x Gemini Secundus
    2. - 5.10x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    5x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    3x Astral Familiar Booty Bag
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    4x Gemini Primus
    4x Gemini Secundus
    6. - 10.8x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    3x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    3x Gemini Primus
    3x Gemini Secundus
    11. - 50.5x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Taurus Bonus Map
    2x Gemini Primus
    2x Gemini Secundus
    51. - 100.3x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Taurus Bonus Map
    2x Gemini Primus
    2x Gemini Secundus
    2 Random2x Overlord Cannon Level 4
    1x Gemini Bonus Map
    4 Random3x Bastion Cannon Level 6
    1x Aries Bonus Map
    4 Random1x Taurus Bonus Map


    Confetti ammunition and Shellshock Torpedoes cause much more damage than other ammunition and torpedoes against the event ships and submarines.

    • Nautica:
      • Phase 1 – There will be 7 quests (6 normal and 1 daily)
      • Phase 2 – There will be 7 quests (6 normal and 1 daily)
      • Phase 3– There will be 7 quests (6 normal and 1 daily)
    • Atlantis:
      • Phase 1 – There will be 4 quests (3 normal and 1 daily)
      • Phase 2 – There will be 4 quests (3 normal and 1 daily)
      • Phase 3– There will be 4 quests (3 normal and 1 daily)
    There will be secret quests during each phase.

    The daily quests are reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    Ship / Submarine Reward

    Scaled Slayer (Event Market)

    Scaled Slayer.png

    Level 33 – +33% Harpoon Damage
    Level 32 – +32% Boarding Bonus
    Level 33 – 16,5% HP Repair Speed, 66% Voodoo Points
    Level 32 – +160,000 Voodoo Points

    Clawed Corsair (Possible NPC loot)

    Clawed Corsair.png

    Level 33 – +33% Cannon Damage
    Level 32 – +32% Harpoon Damage
    Level 33 – +160,000 Hitpoints
    Level 32 – +19,5% Dodge Chance

    Nautican Dragon Hunter (Event Market)

    Nautican Dragon Hunter.png

    Level 33 – +33% Critical Damage
    Level 32 – +16% Hit Probability
    Level 33 – +20% Dodge Chance
    Level 32 – +160,000 Hitpoints

    Scaled Submersible (Possible NPC loot)

    Scaled Submersible.png

    Level 24 – +24% Torpedo Damage, +12% Critical Chance with Blue and Green Torpedoes
    Level 23 – +23% Critical Damage
    Level 24 – +24% Torpedo Damage Prevention
    Level 23 – +115000 Voodoo Points

    Deepwater Dragon Hunter (Event Market)

    Deepwater Dragon Hunter.png

    Level 24 – +12% Hit Probability
    Level 23 – +23% Critical Damage
    Level 24 – +120000 Voodoo Points
    Level 23 – +115000 Hit Points, +11,5% Breach Resistance against Blue and Green Breaches

    Dragonkin (Event Completion)


    Level 33 – +16,5% Hit Probability
    Level 32 – +32% Boarding Bonus
    Level 33 – +33% Damage Prevention
    Level 32 – +19,5% Dodge Chance

    Dragonkin Subaquan (Event Completion)


    Level 24 – +24% Harpoon Damage
    Level 23 – +23% Critical Damage
    Level 24 – +120000 Hit Points, +12% Breach Resistance against Blue and Green Breaches
    Level 23 – +11,5% Submarine Torpedo Dodge Chance
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