Feedback Road to the Pirate Cup

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jun 5, 2024.

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  1. БОТЕВЪ11

    БОТЕВЪ11 Junior Expert

    Restart,restart,restart for this event!
    This event is only 4 days, when will it start working normally?
    BP change the programmers!
    Dream~Crusher, BouH{BG} and -PUSAT- like this.
  2. Ahoowa

    Ahoowa Forum Greenhorn

    Please advise the developer(s) to actually qa their stuff. You can't use us as live testing, do beta-testing or proper QA. If you can't afford one, I'm here. I do QA as a job, and its really disgusting how you guys treat the players that keep this game alife.
    Dream~Crusher and -PUSAT- like this.
  3. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    mate you want them to work, lol good luck on that, but you are right, They dont care about players at all like another mate on here said restart restart restart......and the funny but sad thing is they have no clue what they are doing....They can't even fix the main issues on this game and we all know what that issue
    Dream~Crusher and BouH{BG} like this.
  4. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Hi... Okay, I will wait... I want to add other issues that occured...
    - I finished 10th in the daily ranking, but I got this:

    But in the FAQs says:
    - Other issue is that I spent 5 tickets to enter the minigame, I scored one time and then I can't repair, so I lost my tickets.

    - Other issue: I selected Scotland Champion, but I haven't got the flag on the side of my ship.

    - Other issue: I have more than 10 quests completed but the secret quest doesn't appears.

    Tell me if I should reply to support with this info o wait.
  5. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    The secret mission will appear when you have 30 paper tickets available
  6. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    And how you know that? BP stopped telling us how to play to get things.Only a little. And devs should be fired asap!!

    Another thing...So hard getting Paper strips...Shot a lot but no rewards. And another thing log-in...Huh? Need 3 log-ig to get event coins but only 2 days left. Yes I had log-in everyday!
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 8, 2024
    -PUSAT- and Dream~Crusher like this.
  7. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    5 minutes after ranking restart...


    -PUSAT- and Dream~Crusher like this.
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy wil32!

    1. If you are unable to repair either close and reopen your sea chart or use the key that you have binded to the repair option on controls
    2. Try to reselect the flag of your team once again
    3. Secret quest require secret knowledge (-:

  9. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Any tips on how to complete the mini map?
  10. VЇCTOЯY™

    VЇCTOЯY™ Junior Expert

    I would like to ask the same thing please......Anyone?
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  11. Snakebw

    Snakebw Forum Apprentice

    Yes , I've already got event completion so i think I've got a good strategy . Also I've completed it multiple times without using any fever bonus. When you spawn you go directly towards the goal . The attacker above you will attack you and the 2 defenders in the middle , just ignore them and keep going . At the moment you pass the 2 midfielders there will be yellow circles in front of you , go directly down and then right , then go directly towards the small island (23-26az) there will be more yellow circles at line 24 approximately and you have to go up then right to pass the yellow zone and back down diagonally towards the german defender ship in the right bottom and then you go straight to the goal and you shouldnt be getting any more yellow circles. Also don't try to repair when you get the the goal , this can cause a bug that won't let you repair anymore ,wait until you respawn on the left. Give this a few tries and you'll get event completion easily .
    Bawdyn likes this.
  12. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    With the price to enter the group map increasing with each try, it is extremely difficult to get the "7 completions" needed for the rewards. This is especially true when you consider that getting the paper strips is so difficult.
  13. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    1. Doesn't works.
    2. Is not possible reselet the flag.
    3. Completed.
    4. Didn't solved.
    5. Didn't solved.
    Thanks so much.
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Ok so the flag do not appear at all next to your ship hmmm... could you provide me with the server and user ID?

    Regarding your 5 tickets issue you did contact support didn't you?

  15. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I know right mate, and to top things off my event points haven't moved in a day, it says 75% and 3010 points lol what a game
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -PUSAT-!

    Your event points stopped updating within the event ticker because you've reached the completion limit.

    Overall if you have a nation selected your event points are added onto the ranking as usual.

    Ahoy wil32!

    Regarding this ranking, if you think that someone cheated his / her way up the rankings please bring the names and (if possible) their IDs to Support so they can investigate.

  17. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Hi. My ID is 85/10247423.
    And, no. Support answered other ticket, but not about this one.

    I will answer about this here, to avoid multiple answers.

    I can't copy the names and can't find them in the players search.
    Yesterday these people started the ranking with +15.000 points and now there is some of this players in ranking of day 5, that doesn't started in US servers yet. I can send you pictures on discord if you want.
    We had less opportunities to win rewards because this issue. I don't know if this people is on another server and if they are winning rewards. For example, if they participe in extra rewards ranking, there are players missing the opportunity to win these rewards. :/

    Thank you so much.
  18. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you Snakebw. I just wanted to finish the event completion. It took me quite a few tries but I finally got it done. I am sure I would have never finished it without your detailed instructions. Thank you very much. :):):)
    Dream~Crusher and Snakebw like this.
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy wil32!

    Well, on the 5 tickets (the one you contacted Support about) there is nothing I can do. You need to be patient and await the answer from them.

    Scotland flag issue has been already forwarded.

    Could you please forward any proof of cheating by other players to Support? That would be the best option.

  20. Snakebw

    Snakebw Forum Apprentice

    Very happy to hear that , i have to admit it wasnt the best instructions i could've given but you got it so great !
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