Rules in chat I was refurring to the politcal chat

Discussion in 'Help' started by USS-Pennsylvania., Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. USS-Pennsylvania.

    USS-Pennsylvania. Forum Apprentice

    I was remarking on the part of bans for political chat. I was not meaning the vulgar part. Just like you to pick up and zero in on one thing. Not understanding the content. You created a game with political over tones. This has a direct conflict with your rules for chat. I suggest you go back and look at them again. I understand its a game but even a company that makes rules for there product is not excluded form the laws of the country there in. I am there for asking that people with political ties to other players on the game to be removed and replaced with people who have no conflict of interest. The game is as much political with players as it is fighting.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Your feedback will be forwarded.

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