screen configuration failure

Discussion in 'Help' started by [Metlock], Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. [Metlock]

    [Metlock] Forum Greenhorn

    i was trying to change screen around on laptop but made sea chart resulotin part to big and i raised it to high ones i refresh it i notice i can no longer see log out or options or any of the other stuff in the top of the screen i would take a screen shot to show but don't know how on this laptop i'm a old player that just wants to start playing again but i really messed up my screen for mat please help me fix it
  2. Spirit_Breaker

    Spirit_Breaker Board Analyst

    Press F8 and make again configuration.
  3. [Metlock]

    [Metlock] Forum Greenhorn

    thank you thank you it work
  4. Spirit_Breaker

    Spirit_Breaker Board Analyst

    You are welcome. :D
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As the OP is happy with the answer, I will close.

    Thank you to all who helped.

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