Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by michaelwells, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    All Scrolls need an overhaul. I think we can all safely agree on that. :) Would like to see the following changes, in an effort to keep pace with the Daily/Monthly log-in bonuses.

    Virgo: More Pearls (25,000).

    Capricornus: More Pearls (40,000); Smoke Bombs removed; re-introduce the 7% Cannon damage, for 10 days. This would help smaller players who can't do Cancer Maps, yet. I, personally, remember being disappointed when they removed this some time back.

    Sagittarius: More Pearls (60,000), and add some Crystals (100); remove Bloodlust, and replace with 10 days King's Legacy.

    Cancer: More Pearls (100,000), add Crystals (200), and Crowns (5,000). Truth told, the Cancer Scroll is harder than the Renown Quest for the 5,000 Crowns, and requires a lot more time and Ammo. Remove the Teleports, and increase the percentages for the other rewards.

    Let me know what you think, below.​
    frankthetank1974 likes this.
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Firstly, I agree Scrolls need an overhaul, and I both believe and hope it is something the SF Team were looking into doing.

    There are a couple of things I personally don't agree with in your suggestions; 10 Days Kings Legacy from the Sagittarius and the 5000 Crowns from the Cancer Scroll.

    The KL, to me and I am sure many others, is the main reason why we buy Bokors, the Skin is unlikely and the cannons are alright, but it is the 30 days KL what keeps people throwing Bokors. In my opinion this item should stay as it is, I would not like to see some boats having this item for thousands of days. Also, in your proposal, I think KL is far more valuable than 5000 Crowns.

    The 5000 Crowns. To begin would players level 20 or below be able to receive this reward? As currently they are unable to gain Crowns from the Bloodfangs and Blizzards until you are level 21. Crowns are planned to become a very important currency in Seafight, and that is why they are making you play the game to get them; doing daily quests. By releasing Crowns as an end reward in a Scroll this just provides yet another benefit for those who use bots; 21-25 tests? No problem, multiple Cancers a day they will be 25 without lifting a finger. Level 5 Voodoos? No problem. New items and benefits further to be released? No problem. Do not get me wrong, legitimate players obviously could get Crowns from Scrolls too, however the sheer amount of scrolls botters do compared to the average legitimate player, it would be a very one sided game in my opinion once they have bought all these new upgrades and items. Then of course we have to remember that whatever these rewards do get changed too, we will be stuck with for a long time; as I said, with the introduction of more Crown purchases, and more ways to acquire Crowns coming, in 6 months will 5000 be worth the time for a Cancer? 12 months? 18 months?

  3. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    i agree the scrolls need to be overhauled pertaining to the rewards. any increase in pearl rewards sounds good to me.
  4. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for replying. :)

    Arky, whatever you want to suggest, throw it in here. Same goes for everybody else. :)

    Teleports, Bloodlust, and Smoke Bombs need to be removed, ASAP. They make doing these Maps feel like a waste of time. Factor in the small Pearl rewards, and the removal of the Elite Points, and you are looking at "practice materials" for when a player gets out on the regular Maps, lol. Even worse: the time and ammo used to do these Maps, especially for smaller players.

    I thought that since not everyone can win at Bokors, the KL might be a nice reward for Sag. Remember, it would based on a percentage against Cannon Damage, and Hull.

    The Crowns I put in the Cancer Map because, as previously stated, it is harder, and more time/ammo consuming than the Renown Quest. I thought it might also encourage some players to want to Level up to 21.

    I like the idea brought up maybe a year or so, ago, where you got to choose your reward at the completion of a Map. The remaining reward options would then be available for selection the next time a player completes that particular Map. And so on, 'til the Map reward options were exhausted, and reset.
  5. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    Agreed scrolls need a serious overhaul
  6. bodean

    bodean Forum Pro

    maybe make the rewards a choice between 4 different mystery boxes (each with a worthwhile reward in it, but 1 with a great reward) and the player chooses 2 out of 4 boxes for their reward at the completion of a scroll. i think a suggestion similar to this has been mentioned at another time. sorry if i hijacked your thread michaelwells-i didn't mean to. just giving my suggestion to try and make it fair for all players. you are correct more pearls are needed for the ending reward. at least that would help.
  7. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    No sorrys necessary, m8. Let everybody bring their ideas. The idea you brought is really cool. :):):)
  8. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    I also agree, but not to the same extent. To go against the grain here I already feel that the pearl rewards from scrolls are possibly too much. Scrolls used to be something you had to work hard to build up, back before the Cauldron of Aruba overhaul. The mojo or pearls you threw in would not give you enough scrolls to make them back. Since that changed however, scrolls are now profitable from throwing in pearls and can be hollowed for 100% profit. On top of this you are getting a lot of flares, explosives, repair ammunition, mojo deck, emergency repairs etc. Scrolls shouldn't be like an event, they shouldn't give you as many pearls as events would because otherwise there would be no need for events. I feel that the main benefit of the scrolls isn't to build up your pearls, but instead to give you a renewable source of HP and items.

    Moving on from this is the final rewards. Yes I totally agree that the teleports need to be removed from the Cancer scroll as to get 1 cancer scroll you will actually get more teleports from the mojo than the final reward. I have over 5k teleports and to know players who are pushing almost 10x that figure. Replacing that with something small but valuable could be great, such as maybe an increased chance for Queen's Legacy. A reward that would not give a significant advantage to the botters (as they would already have lots of this) and instead would be more of a benefit to those who do not have it. The smoke bombs and bloodlusts however I disagree with. Smoke bombs are a fantastic tool for fighting and have a wide variety of uses, whether it is smoking a fast enemy so that your guild mates can catch up, maybe to try and escape them, or smoke bombing an ally so that you can sink an enemy that is attacking them before they are sunk themselves. With the recent balancing of smoke bombs it is true that you will not go through as many, but they are already moderately uncommon items, only obtainable through Capricorn and Payment scrolls, or rarely in chests. Bloodlusts are ONLY obtainable through Sagittarius scrolls and payment, so removing these from the scrolls would be a bad idea I feel.

    Personally, I think that although the scrolls need a slight overhaul it should not be as drastic as I feel this post is. A small crown reward for those over Level 20 would be good I think, but I feel like it should be more along the lines of maybe 200, 500, 750 and 1000 for the 4 scrolls. It needs to be balanced so that the botters don't gain more crowns in a day amongst everything else from Scroll Botting than a legitimate player would from doing their daily quests.

    I do like the idea though and I do think the community need to stress to have teleports removed from the Cancer as for the hardest scroll, it is the worst reward.


  9. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

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