Scrolls/Raid Map

Discussion in 'Help' started by JestemKozakiem, Nov 23, 2014.

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  1. JestemKozakiem

    JestemKozakiem Forum Apprentice

    So i am still wondering why the scrolls and raid maps haven't been fixed yet. I get on to do a scroll and when I go to rep I have to spend 10 minutes searching for the NPCs because they don't show up on the mini map or on the sea chart unless you are withing a few blocks of the NPCs. This is ridiculous cause even in the baby raid the big ship pops and you spend 20 minutes searching for it because it doesn't pop up on the mini map or sea chart either unless you are within a few blocks. Please fix this issue before the next event comes out, I need to get some scrolls done!!
    JanieDoe likes this.
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We are sorry but we do not have an update yet. Please bear with us a little longer until we get more information from our game developers. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
  3. JestemKozakiem

    JestemKozakiem Forum Apprentice

    Any updates now, it's been nearly two weeks :/ and when are we getting reimbursement for the advantage pack issues?
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The scrolls and the raid map are now working as they should. The npcs should only ever be seen upon the mini map when they are within your range.

    Regarding the reimbursement for advantage packs, this matter has now been resolved and all players that were missing days, we can now state has had their subscription packs extended for 10 days.
  5. JestemKozakiem

    JestemKozakiem Forum Apprentice

    They changed this? When was this change mentioned to players? The scrolls already take hours to complete and now what you're saying is that it's going to add another hour or so to scrolls because I have to search for the NPCs now?
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    They always sail in a straight line towards you, if you simply sail back the way you can after you repair, you will find them.
  7. JestemKozakiem

    JestemKozakiem Forum Apprentice

    This is true but only if all the ships are the same speed. Some are slow and keep behind. Those are the ones that take forever to find. You shoot the ships and run to the bottom right to rep and then three ships get there and you have to run and rep again so you go top right now you have no idea where the rest of the NPCS are...
  8. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    Is this a new update? Was it announced? Just asking.
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This is not an update, this is a fix to a bug that has now been resolved. As stated this is now working as designed.

    As this is not a discussion thread and the query has been answered this thread will be closed.

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