Sea Charts still freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing

Discussion in 'Help' started by Sea-Sea, Jul 13, 2017.

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  1. Sea-Sea

    Sea-Sea Forum Inhabitant

    Just wondering if any progress have been made with the freezing sea chart? It has now been an issue for some weeks and it is just getting worse and worse. Now I have to reload the sea chart approx. every 30 sec. making the game very difficult to play?
  2. Work is ongoing, regarding this issue. We ask for everyone's patience in the matter.

    Have you contacted support? Reloading every 30 seconds is extreme. If there is an issue with your account, they can take a look at it, and sort the problem for you.

    Have you cleaned your browser cache lately? This can also have an effect on your computer's performance. Here is a link to show you how to do so, if you are unfamiliar:

    You can also try switching browsers. The one you are using may be causing this problem.

    It's also possible that your computer has a virus. You might need to take it to shop to have it looked at.

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