Suggestion Seafight Plus New Period

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by Revenger[TR], Feb 11, 2024.

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Should Seafight PLUS change?

Poll closed Feb 18, 2024.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

    0 vote(s)
  1. Revenger[TR]

    Revenger[TR] Forum Apprentice

    Seafight Plus is quite inefficient in terms of content. In order to remedy this situation, the given items need to be updated and re-optimised for the latest version of the game.

    However, my suggestion is as follows:

    In order for pirates to feel themselves as a full Seafight Plus member, the following suggestions should be made:

    1. Coloured Names for Players: We can give Seafight Plus members the freedom to choose names in any colour they want, allowing them to personalise them.
    2. Titles for Special Ships: We can make Seafight Plus members look more prestigious and respected than other pirates by adding titles displayed on their ships. For example, "Ruler of the Seas," "Emperor of the Seas," "King of Pirates," etc.
    3. Personalised Hit Points Indicator: We can make Seafight Plus members' health bars different and more flashy than regular players, making their presence in the game more prominent. This can be a special symbol of glamour and status.
    4. Special Item Effects: Seafight Plus members can further personalise their in-game presence by allowing them to choose different and noticeable effects when using their special items. These effects can make their in-game presence more striking.

    These suggestions will make Seafight Plus members feel special and prestigious in-game. Also, instead of offering a premium experience, we can make the game experience more appealing by offering a service that will only provide visual and aesthetic satisfaction to players.

    Current Seafight Plus Status:


    Example PLUS Pirate View (Graphicists do better :D) :
