
Discussion in 'Help' started by Vip[PL], Jun 17, 2014.

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  1. Vip[PL]

    Vip[PL] Forum Greenhorn

    HAHAHA, so i hear that everyone getting banned for using that glitch with the quest, i guess every ones getting banned 90% of the players used it so i guess sea fight is offically over guys, because they will lose all there money they get from us :D i spend 100's of $$$ on this game and i guess no more, So guys i wish everyone the best of luck.

    This glitch was BP's fault not ours. I know if they ban alot of players are quiting for good. I mean 40+ players
  2. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    Not me, I never used!
  3. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    lol if i knew it i would use it , it it's not a hack or a program , it's bp fault .. they can't bann you for something you did't actually did it ...
  4. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    Unfortunatly Bahaa BP can (at their discretion) ban customers for their mistake. That being said, we as customers should try to take the high ground and report the glitches when we find them. I think it would have been better for BP to explain the glitch and give fair warning to everyone before announcing summary judgement. The method they've chose to handle the situation seems somewhat adversarial.

    For my part, this is the first I've heard of it because its very hard to find quests worth doing!
    Bahaa likes this.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you all for your input, as nothing more can be done about this, I will close.

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