Second daily restart on MS 10

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jun 9, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Second daily restart on MS 10

    Ahoy Pirates,

    To prevent all those emergency restarts because of annoying server lags, we decided to do a second daily restart on the following servers each day at
    5 pm (LST) (starting today):
    • MS 10 (instances: 40, 85, 634, 146, 329, 206, 205)
    This is a measure we are taking to avoid huge losses of e.g. ammunition because our players are aware of the regular restart when we do it on a daily base. But this will only be done as long as we are still working on fixing the initial problems. We will do this on MS 10 because most of the lags are appearing there. But the investigation includes all our servers and we hope to be able to fix this problem soon.

    Your Seafight Team
    Satan_Himself and Swift like this.