serious problem

Discussion in 'Help' started by ɹoɐpʞıll, May 20, 2014.

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  1. ɹoɐpʞıll

    ɹoɐpʞıll Someday Author

    was hitting turtle island and now hitting for half what i was. something going on with event as normal. hit regular npc's for 38-41K and event island for 31

    fix this i was in first for todays rank now 2 because of this bug

  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    From the faq

    Cassiopeia has a defense system which reduces the amount of damage caused against him by 50% - this is the same for all ammo types and all players.
  3. ɹoɐpʞıll

    ɹoɐpʞıll Someday Author

    then there is still a problem with this the other player did not have his damage reduced. and so why does it say that we will get this.
    The Shell Shock Ammo will cause much more damage against the Event NPCs as well as Cassiopeia.
    any type of change like this should affect all players at the same time not be selective as to whose damage is reduced.

    and where are the rewards for yesterdays ranking

    i hit turtle raiders for 80k or so hit turtle island for 42-55k when this occurred i was only hitting 32k. so my question should be when does the reduced damage come in to play. from the beginning or at some random time.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    If you feel another player is taking advantage of something, please email it in to support, it will be looked into.

    The rewards from yesterday appear to be glitched. we have passed it in to the dev team to be looked into.

    The turtle island is what causes the decreased damage.
  5. ɹoɐpʞıll

    ɹoɐpʞıll Someday Author

    yes we were both hitting the same one i was in lead by 25 mil then my damage was reduced by almost half while he continued to hit the same. so i ended up hitting about 30k while he was still hitting 50k+. i have been playing for 3 years and do not know of any buff or pet that would have cause this other than a glitch or bug with turtle island. only other thing was this all happened shortly after the restart this morning. i even went to other turtle island and was still hitting the reduced amount.

    and this was NOT because of the reduced damage done to casiopia.
    we both hit about the same having maxed out boats so there was something else going on. i dont think it was anything he was doing. something with the game
  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for the feedback we will get the team to look into this.
  7. ɹoɐpʞıll

    ɹoɐpʞıll Someday Author

    anything further or should i send to support
  8. Kazuto

    Kazuto Padavan

    A lot of players are hitting 45-50k because their boats are maxed and yours isin't. I myself am missing elite damage and more due to cannons yet I can hit around 43k.
  9. ɹoɐpʞıll

    ɹoɐpʞıll Someday Author

    well sorry to inform you my boat is maxed. 65 skills all castles level 6 all 60s level 5 207 voodoo cannons 2.6 bil ep 1.9 bil elp 7% damage till 2026

    and i keep and maintain a 581k base

    so i know if i not hitting right.

    and if you read my post we were hitting the same till restart then my damage was reduced.
  10. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    We have passed this along to the dev team, once we get more we will let you know. I am sorry we dont have an answer for you currently.
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