Server Asia LAG! Super duper Lag!

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Ernest~, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

    I have been lagging ever since the start of the event... even though my internet is good enough to play all games, seafight is the only game which gives me lag :/ Please fix ASAP thanks. :)
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Please try enabling the 'boost' option under the animations menu. This will help speed up your game. Please note you will only see the damage you are doing and not damage done to you. This mode is best for hitting event NPCs causing you lag.
  3. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

    Yes, I've done it already :) but even though i am not shooting event npcs, i am still having spiky lags. :(
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Unfortunately, it appears that this event is causing a little more lag than normal. Please clear your cache if you experience some lag. This will free up some memory allowing your computer to process the game a little better. This memory can fill back up though so it may need to be cleared again later on.
  5. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

    Cleared cache... The result is I can't go in the sea.. always gets stuck at 49% init view manager :(
  6. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Please provide your user id so that this can be looked into further for you.
  7. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Having had your account checked we can see no issues with logging on to the seachart.

    Please clear your browser cookies and cache, this will delete the old stored data and allow the new correct data to be downloaded. Please remember that after deleting your cache it may be necessary to restart your PC after.

    This process is best described in this forum thread

    It covers the four main browsers.

    Then using the link below, please click "delete all sites" on the tool there, this will delete the entirety of the cache.

    Once done please restart your browser and try again.
  9. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

    tried.. now i am getting stuck at 58% init view manager.......
  10. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please remember that the connection depends on several factors.

    YOUR Connection towards your ISP

    -> This is also related to the information which runs from your computer, to the flash client of Seafight.
    -> It also determines how the information of the flash client is processed.

    The connection between your ISP to our server farm

    -> This is another factor which could result in lag, if your ISP is having technical problems.

    The current performance of our servers

    Please be aware that concurrent traffic on your computer, may clutter your connection as well.

    - Streaming Media
    - Concurrent Downloads
    - Firewalls

    Whilst we are experiencing slight lag with this event, it would not prevent you from logging into the sea chart. There is no reason from this side that would prevent this at this time.
  11. ~Ernest~

    ~Ernest~ Forum Apprentice

    I've tried to contact my Internet Service Provider and they looked at my internet and concluded that my connection is running good and no problems were found. :( and I certainly don't have any running downloads, streaming media and firewalls are okay. I doubt that having a 2 Mbps broadband connection results to this lag and prevents me from logging on to seachart.
  12. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As previously stated there is nothing wrong with your account, that is preventing you from logging in to the sea chart.

    If you wish to dispute this you will need to contact our Customer Care Team.

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