Announcement Server Merge Update

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Rymar, Jan 31, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Server Merge Update

    Ahoy pirates,

    Today, we're reaching out to share some further information regarding our recently announced server merge.

    We have been paying attention to your feedback, and we have noticed the request for a reason as to why we are merging the server.

    After careful consideration and analysis of player activity and server populations, we have made the decision to merge the US PvE and US PvP servers to enhance the overall gaming experience for everyone involved.

    This decision comes as a means to address certain challenges and ensure a more vibrant, balanced, and sustainable multiplayer environment.

    One particular observation that has guided our decision-making process is the significant population difference between servers.

    For instance, the second smallest server, the EU PvE server, boasts a player base over six times larger than the US PvE server.

    Additionally, our Global America 3 server has seen player counts dwindling; often with no more than 40 players, and in many instances, just 10-20 players active at any given time.

    Such low player numbers present several challenges. It not only detracts from the essence of a thriving multiplayer experience but also hampers our ability to effectively balance gameplay and provide the level of support and engagement our players deserve. Moreover, maintaining servers with such sparse populations is not sustainable in the long run.

    To address these issues and foster a more robust gaming environment, we have decided to merge servers. This consolidation will help pool together our player communities, creating denser populations that enhance social interactions, foster competitive gameplay, and enable us to better tailor our services to meet the needs of our valued players.

    It's important to note that there are currently no plans for server merges for the EU PvE server or any other server at this time.

    Another question we have seen asked a lot is why are we merging a PvE Server with a PvP Server? Allow me to shed some light on this decision.

    Our server architecture spans two physical locations – one in the EU and the other in the US. Merging a US Server with a EU Server presents a challenge: if all players were to connect to the EU Server, it would unavoidably result in latency issues. This would significantly impact the gameplay experience for all players on a permanent basis.

    We're committed to providing you with the best possible gaming experience, and therefore the decision to merge the the US PvE server with another US Server aims to ensure smooth and enjoyable gameplay for everyone without lasting issues.

    We understand that change can sometimes be challenging, but we firmly believe that this decision will ultimately lead to a more enriching and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone. We're committed to ensuring a smooth tran
    sition process and will provide further details and updates as we progress with the merger.

    Thank you for your understanding, patience, and continued support as we work towards creating an even better gaming environment for all our players.

    Your Seafight Team