Feedback Server Merge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jul 13, 2022.

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  1. -pysa-*

    -pysa-* Junior Expert

    If it works, great! If it doesn't... this was always a desperate idea and a last solution
  2. -pysa-*

    -pysa-* Junior Expert

    Just have to accept cheating? What other situation in life can we say that about? Will always be unacceptable.
  3. ***KRΛL#SezgIN***

    ***KRΛL#SezgIN*** Forum Greenhorn

    accept cheating lol. seafight has quite a big player base, in fact the player base would be huge if bigpoint hit the nail on the coffin with cheating 8 years ago. id like to know the number of active players then to what they have now as a community number... that aside this merge will go one or two ways. the merge happens botting and auto target stays the same and alot of players will realise there playing a Un-facilitated mess less money will get spen then it will be a bot war which is run under the parents basments weather that be a teenager or full grown man lol. Or the line in the sand will be drawn by bigpoint, people will realise its pvp fueled and theres lots of other people to play a legit game with and then hopefully expand
  4. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    Now were do it stand anywere in my text we shall embrace it and support it ? Bot kill the game, the target killed the war's. Who bother farm by hands when can drop a bot when at work do people think. I said we need accept it that bot excisted since 2012 and it still do, get it removed 100% i dont have much belive in. What were importain for me that were removed were the target, and that is gone, the bot developers took a grip before merge because they predicted it will be to hard on server.

    Personal i dont care, people will always be bit better or have bit more, regardless bot, farmer, no life, 5 play same ship. People use because 80% other use, same how target started and why they used. People dont think about shame be seen on bot when 80% rest do. So what you or I think is irrelevant because the same 80% who bot also paying Bigpoint in pacages. One have 3 choices,
    1. accept how it is and keep play,
    2. logg out, stay logg out and quit,
    3. or live in optimist write on forum and get dissapointed nothing get done
  5. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    All bp gotta do is remove the need to use a b0t and kaboom, problem solved. Simplest fix ever! See how easy that was?

    Make farming for ammo, skills, castles and trophy the only thing you gotta do and the rest buy with money or get from event markets. Ranking 100% based on PvP and tower damage.

    Now lets get that merge underway. :D
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
    Xenoverse likes this.
  6. Tоshiba®

    Tоshiba® Forum Apprentice

    really huge mistake to merge all this servers into 1, specially bringing TR payments into full payments servers like german and netherlands. my opinion.
  7. **SeaK!nG**

    **SeaK!nG** Someday Author

    I have a question regarding the server merge.

    With the last server merge we had some issue, some players lost some of their designs,
    ammo, stones, ship equipment, canons and so on.

    So can you make me a guarantee that i will have all my design,
    canons and equipment after the server merge?

    If not, how do you expect me to document my things?

    Just so i don't get into a fight with support :)
    Screen dump and video are so easy to manipulate.
  8. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    Dear BP god, may a debuff come right after this event. Amen. :rolleyes:
    babenewport likes this.
  9. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Padavan

    Even with 20 servers merged into one - the same old bot problems will remain. ...and Probably the same steadfast long term players will remain as well. Lets face it - we are all playing into oblivion!
    Sea~Stream likes this.
  10. cannot play rift map and rift quest , there is no quest giver (npc) in the safe port
  11. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Padavan

    Merge has happened! WHAT A DISASTER!! Lag, Lag, Lag. Get sunk and you are well and truly done. Only way to play onward is to shut down and re-log in.
  12. pwaalios

    pwaalios Advanced

    Congrats to bp. You finally DID IT. You made the game totally unplayable. bp - what do you want to ruin today?
  13. Vupiino

    Vupiino Forum Apprentice

    this is game over time sf win omg
  14. ☆ÐE$CAN$O☆

    ☆ÐE$CAN$O☆ Forum Greenhorn

    Kan ik mijn account overzetten naar deze nieuwe PvE-server? Want in deze server zal ik spelen als een onderzeeër.
    Dit is niet leuk meer Leuk voor eerlijke spelers
  15. Sea~Stream

    Sea~Stream Active Author

    The final nail in the coffin , How many of these tubs are legit players and how many are aggro bots .Game became a complete joke but was along time coming ! R.I.P Sea Fight :(
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022
    piratebuccaneer. likes this.
  16. -Lathander-

    -Lathander- Junior Expert


    this game is no longer playable for the honest players. You come on and you are right away blub.
    Can I take my ship to the pve server ? If not please ask to BP to make it possible.

  17. Lennie63

    Lennie63 Forum Greenhorn

    What a bad move. It is almost impossible to complete a mission without being blown out of the water many times. You can;t play for more then 20 seconds before going blub. There is no fun in playing anymore. Goodby
  18. **SeaK!nG**

    **SeaK!nG** Someday Author

    Didn't you say that you would get rid og that auto target, and bot, with this server merge?
  19. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    thx wery good
  20. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    got a question? so does that mean the pve servers are gone as well?
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