server restart didn't give me back my pirates

Discussion in 'Help' started by Misstress, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice


    I thought that possibly, after the restart, that my pirates would have been returned to me, but they weren't.

    I am supposed to have 780 pirates, and only have 550. Please, fix me.

  2. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    Restart is for the event, which starts in like 2 minutes. Sorry to have your hopes up, but they arent that quick to respond to server issues unless there is money or profit involved
  3. =Beagle=

    =Beagle= Active Author

    Well i dont know what you are saying but ... players are more angry when there is a bug in an event then a bug when there is no event. So i'm glad the bug's are fixed for the event
  4. Aegis_Victory

    Aegis_Victory Junior Expert

    Not for us it isnt.. No event and its after 12, what a joke
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    Thank you for this feedback, we will pass it on to the dev team for it to be worked on. Thank you for your patience.

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