SEVENTY Point Talent Days

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    SEVENTY Point Talent Days

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Today we will have the SEVENTY Point Talent Days! Yes, 70!

    As the Talent Skill Tree Level 6 has been implemented a week ago, all the upcoming Talent Days will have the possibility to upgrade your talents up to 70 talents altogether (instead of 65 talents as it was possible until now).

    The 70 Point Talent Days will be available from 6th August, 12 noon (CEST) until the 11th of August, 12 noon. It will run at the same time as the Clash Event.

    During this time Crystal Packages will be available to purchase until 12 noon (CEST)
    of the day on 11th August.

    A break down of the cost of these skills can be found here.

    Please let us know your thoughts in the discussion thread.

    Your Seafight Team.
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