
Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jun 27, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Shared are very powerful piece of stones which can be obtained by dismantling different kind of cannons in the Reclamation Station.

    There are eight kind of shards which can be obtained:

    • Moon Iron
    • Rosefyre
    • Veridian
    • Starjute
    • Amfer
    • Abyssan
    • Shimerite
    • Rainbow Opal
    Note: Each player can own up to 200 000 Shards, if you'll destroy additional cannons while already owning the limit your shards will be lost!
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Moon Iron Shards

    33_Moon Iron Shards.png

    Moon Iron Shards can be used to craft Moon Iron Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Overlord Cannons (all levels)
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Rosefyre Shards
    34_Rosefyre Shards.png

    Rosefyre Shards can be used to craft Rosefyre Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Overlord Cannons (all levels)
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Veridian Shards
    35_Veridian Shards.png

    Veridian Shards can be used to craft Veridian Core.
    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Doomhammer Cannon (all levels)
    Painbringer Cannon (all levels)

  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Starjute Shards

    36_Starjute Shards.png

    Starjute Shards can be used to craft Starjute Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Admiral Cannon
    Devastator Cannon (all levels)
    Voodoo Cannon (all levels)
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Amfer Shards

    37_Amfer Shards.png

    Amfer Shards can be used to craft Amfer Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Firestorm Cannon (all levels)
    Worldbreaker Cannon (all levels)
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Abyssan Shards
    38_Abyssan Shards.png

    Abyssan Shards can be used to craft Abyssan Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Rif Cannons
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Shimerite Shards
    39_Shimerite Shards.png

    Shimerite Shards can be used to craft Shimerite Core.

    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Devastator Cannon (all levels)
    Worldbreaker Cannon (all levels)
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Rainbow Opal Shards
    40_Rainbow Opal Shards.png

    Rainbow Opal Shards can be used to craft Rainbow Opal Core.
    You can obtain these powerful shards by dismantling these cannons:

    Bastion Cannons (all levels)