Shell Shock Ammo

Discussion in 'Help' started by CPIRRA©.KS, Jun 2, 2014.

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    CPIRRA©.KS Forum Apprentice

    Why it cant be shooted the big ship in Raid with Shell Shock ammo ?
  2. You can't shoot raid map bosses with shellshock, probably because some people got ten's of million's of ammo.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    We are currently looking into this, once we have more on it, I will let you know.
    Madness_051-2 likes this.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    My current update:
    I have tested it myself as well, it does not work. I have passed it on up the chain in my report.
    Madness_051-2 likes this.