
Discussion in 'Help' started by Lil`Wolf, Sep 9, 2017.

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  1. Lil`Wolf

    Lil`Wolf Junior Expert

    Is it me or are there not pearl shineys anymore? Its bad enough that the bots are still out there but I just spent 2 hours shiney hunting and not 1 pearl shiney! All there was, was gold, ep n vp.. which is pretty sad if bp changed this especially for people who farm for their pearls! ..could have been in scrolls!

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
    =308Marksman= likes this.
  2. Deloops

    Deloops User

    Hey Lil'Wolf,

    I have tried picking up a few Shineys myself. From some, received Pearls aswell.


  3. Lil`Wolf

    Lil`Wolf Junior Expert

    On Top of that i was in 2/3 shiney hunting and a level 30 sunk me! they should give levels 24 and up their own server and kill each other!
  4. To the best of my knowledge, the Pearl Shinies are still in the game. I haven't heard anything to the contrary, Lil Wolf. Try changing maps.

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