Shiny's Changed?

Discussion in 'Help' started by captainjpm, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. captainjpm

    captainjpm Forum Apprentice

    why Have bp changed what are in the shinys ? No way will i buy the doubler again just to get ep,hit points, and gold and curses.
    2014-02-19 09:46:54
    Your ship now has 1107 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-19 09:46:45
    You received 21913 gold.
    21'913 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:46:37
    You received 21022 gold.
    21'022 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:46:22
    You received 25 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:46:14
    You received 20115 gold.
    20'115 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:46:09
    You received 20815 gold.
    20'815 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:45:59
    Your ship now has 518 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-19 09:45:50
    You received 16 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:45:38
    You received 18282 gold.
    18'282 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:45:33
    You received 21 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:45:18
    Your ship now has 1488 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-19 09:45:16
    You received 18183 gold.
    18'183 Gold
    2014-02-19 09:45:11
    Your ship now has 387 more hitpoints and can now continue its journey.
    2014-02-19 09:45:04
    You received 18 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:44:52
    You received 16 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:44:43
    You received 25 EP (experience points).
    2014-02-19 09:44:34
    You received 18 EP (experience points).
    Scooboa likes this.
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    Had this aswell, the funny thing is they've removed 2 shiny contents so in theory we should make more pearls but in actual fact im making less by about 50%

    Before the update i'd spend 6-8 hours a day shiny hunting - i have good motivation :)
    50-55K pearls per day.
    This included taking breaks - going scrolls - fighting - repairing without prem level 3 rep, level 1 voodoo.. so it was slow.

    After the update yesterday i had plenty of free time so spent around 9 hours ish without touching scrolls, fighting & didn't get sunk.

    26,789 pearls made..
    also i spent quite a bit of time in my guilds 2 island maps, but i went all over the sea charts in shiny heavens etc.
    Before the update when i made 50-55k i wasn't in a guild with islands?

    Please revert these changes because there pathetic.. doubler is now worthless.
    Why oh why am i getting 7 hp shinies in every 10 shinies when i have FULL HITPOINTS.... what is the point?
    Complete ludicrus, and a scam nice one BP.
    Scooboa likes this.
  3. Scooboa

    Scooboa Forum Apprentice

    Yes they have, I've noticed it hardly any pearls or mojo all HP. But this is what BP Doesn't understand, SHINEYS are everything to free to play players and PAYING players! BP Doesn't Understand that we all need shineys at one point when we get low on ammo even as a paying player and just don't have enough to spend every week. Nice one BP, soon you won't have any players left on this game. So much for this *Upgrade* more like a downgrade.

    I Always said, The day BP Screws up the shineys/Glitters is the day i quit, and you know what I'm quite sure I'm not the only one. lol :)
  4. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    Your certainly not the only one lol. in the mean time ill be looking for a better game, wont be hard if im honest. Ill give them a few weeks to rectify things if shinies aren't improved then im outta here.
  5. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    im a payer on the game and as you quite rightly say everyone needs shineys at some point. i do alot of shineyhunting as well as buying pearls to try and catch up but after the ams upgrade i have noticed a severe lack of pearls and mojos plus not once have i seen an armour plate i have no knowledge of them removing these. it is quite a joke to be fair i can go 20-30 shineys getting hp trap gold and nothing else i even had a record of 27 gold shineys in a row lool.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    This is not a discussion thread. If this continues infractions may be given out. As for the change in shiney payout,, that is all up to the Dev team. We have no say in this. If you wish to send in a complaint I encourage you to talk to the customer care team. Thank you.
  7. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    i was trying to show there is a problem but oo well go ahead ban me from the forum if this is the attitude you take .
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    We encourage you to do that mate however there are proper places that's to do that. This is not that proper section. Shiver had stated that issues related to the new updated should be placed in the discussion thread for the update. Posting here will not have your thoughts heard the best. I am not taking an attitude or going to ban you from the forum. I am telling you where to have your thoughts heard best as well as enforcing the rules.

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