Ship design price changes

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ship design price changes
    Ahoy Pirates,

    In a couple of days we will alter the price of some of the ship designs you can buy in the game for in-game currency. The Elcano, Crystal Queen, Locust and Flora Fatale designs currently cost 500,000 gold each and, in a few days, will cost 30,000 pearls each. Therefore, if you want to get hold of them at the old price of 500k gold please purchase them in the next day or two.

    In addition, we will greatly reduce the price of the Big Buccaneer from 69,000 pearls to 15,000 pearls. The main reason for this change is to allow a great number of players to be able to get into the game more quickly and enjoy some of the most important features without feeling as though they are being left behind.

    The changes are currently planned to go live on Thursday or Friday.

    Please place any comments you wish to be reviewed in the discussion thread.

    Your Seafight team
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