Bug Ship Overview shows all items in left panel and unmovable

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Tergrinder, Sep 11, 2024.

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  1. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Active Author

    All items (cannons, figureheads, extension, etc.) in ship overview were moved by magic to left Storage panel at last restart, and when I click on them to move them to the right Action panel where they belong, the box comes up with the green "move" button, but nothing happens when the button is pressed, it's not working. I'd like to add extensions to my ship and am unable to do so. Can someone take a look please? This isn't the first time this has happened when events were about to start.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    There are few possibilities:

    1. You experienced a display issue - where everything is already on your ship but display as nothing is equipped - this can be resolved by a full logout / in
    2. You do not have enough slots for the items to be equipped
    3. You have a debuff - which block you from equipping most of in-game items

    For the future when creating a thread in Technical Issues please include your user and server ID so we can better assist you.

  3. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Active Author

    Thanks Rymar, I will do so (just forgot this time...). I tried the full logout, didn't work. I had plenty of slots. I did not have a debuff. In any event, I came back a few hours later and someone must have fixed it as all is now good. Thanks again.
  4. EF-Leder

    EF-Leder Someday Author

    Happens everytime when in deep haven. Log of sea and on again.Then it will be in normal places. Also you still...cant repair with go sh or up to surface! BP still cant find profs to fix this.:rolleyes::confused:
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I am glad to hear that your issue has been resolved, for the future please remember to include your server and user ID.


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