Ship Speed and Weight

Discussion in 'Help' started by Shiny_Bot#27, Jul 24, 2017.

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  1. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice

    How can one improve the speed of their ship?

    Does the figurehead help?

    There use to be speed points one could build up long ago to offset the weight a player may put on their boat such as millions of hollows or pammo. Is there anything like that now?
  2. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    +49 speed gem.Stern post in Castles and Centerboard in Castles along with Queens Legacy are the only things I know of....
    aside from swift stones and pumpkin juice.

    There's also a +80 speed gem but that one dont work untill you've taken damage so it really doesnt give you speed, it just keeps you
    from slowing down as much when in battle and in process of being sunk.
  3. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    skills set can also provide extra speed as does the castle which allows 4th sail to be added : Shipwright's Schematics

    LoT slightly increases speed when in use as does hourglass
  4. Shiny_Bot#27

    Shiny_Bot#27 Forum Apprentice

    ok! thank you! I'll just keep plugging away the honest way physically manning my boat and one day increasing my speed from being a tug boat.:)
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