Ship Speed

Discussion in 'Help' started by Dasblaze, May 3, 2014.

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  1. Dasblaze

    Dasblaze Forum Greenhorn

    I have seen the table for ship speed , but am confused due to the fact that it says the centerboard is worth 70 to it but when i go onto my ship in the ship castle its states its max of 9 speed . since when i look at the skill tree its says the boost is 65 and it marks it as 65 on the table . and this is the same with sternpost which says 12 speed and its marked as 80 on the table . Please could you explain this to me

  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    This is a bit confusing, both are "correct" the ratios of what they boost your ship by, which ones are more valuable, etc.... Imagine them as just different measurements, equal but there is a conversion factor. We are currently waiting for dev team to give us a full list of the different effects on speed exactly. I realize this isnt an exact answer and is a bit confusing, has this helped though?
  3. Dasblaze

    Dasblaze Forum Greenhorn

    I'm just more worried at the moment reading what seren posted


    Which Say that the Centerboard now effects the ships speed on normally or damaged which it does therefore state in the castles but from old posts it didnt use to so i take it that it does now and i havent miss read it some how just cos i dont want to get it at present if its no effects where the sternpost will , Also according to that the sternpost doesnt work when burning tho it says in the castles it works regardless . I just slightly confusing and it doesnt seem fully clear . As i dont want to put pearls towards the centerboard if the devs decide its not gonna do nothink in norml 100-51% hp
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    If you follow the charts which state what effects speed at the different levels of dmg, you will find what you need. You are also correct, the centerboard effects the ship's speed as seren has stated. That is it's updated buffs.