Ship speed

Discussion in 'Help' started by KellyOMally, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. KellyOMally

    KellyOMally Forum Apprentice

    Stern post upgrades say they increase speed regardless of condition. Centerboard upgrade says it only takes effect when your ship is either normal or damaged. To me it seems like two different ways to say the same thing. Is there a difference and can both these upgrades be used on top of each other for extreme speed? When I started, you could get speed bonus when collecting shinies. Those are gone now, and I guess I dont understand how the speed works.
    LadyBlueRose likes this.
  2. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    DЯAKE and LadyBlueRose like this.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for your advice to your fellow player.

    Kelly if you still have queries please repost.
  4. KellyOMally

    KellyOMally Forum Apprentice

    Great info thanks :)
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As the player is happy this thread will be closed.

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