Shipwreck Info

Discussion in 'Help' started by ImFriendly, Nov 12, 2014.

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  1. ImFriendly

    ImFriendly Forum Apprentice

    Hello there fellow pirates!

    (I'm new to the forums so don't judge me)

    So last night I was happily playing hunting Shipwrecks and what not having a great time (AC/DC on in the back ground, of course!), but tonight I can't seem to find ANY wrecks, are they gone already? :c

    Because if they are then that means (unless I am mistaken) they were only around for a few hours? Why are they not just a implemented, constant feature of the game? Much more useful than Tentacles, thats for sure!

    Then again, I may just be a total noob and they are still around somewhere c:
    If so, I am sorry for wasting your time!
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    These shipwrecks are a long with the event.

    The jolly roger event was active for one day and you ma have just logged on towards the end.

    The event ended and so did the shipwrecks.

    Does this help you? :)
  3. ImFriendly

    ImFriendly Forum Apprentice

    It did help me, thank you :)

    I have another question. I'm not sure if you have the answer to this, but why then are the shipwrecks not a constant thing in the game?
    There are hardly any ways for smaller boats to get crystals other than buying pearls, because bigger players who can get 500k gold from 1 ship are bidding on crystals. Smaller boats just can't compete with that. And glitters hardly ever drop them and even then it's just 1

    In my person opinion this game could do with a massive overhaul and revamp.
    Honestly, it might not be such a bad idea to open a new server or 2, where everyone is equal again... Might bring some new life into the game :)
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    We do have an update and idea pool :) You can find this by clicking here

    Also those big players were once small ones :) Through hard work and other means such as money we have become strong, the crystal feature is a recent addition to the sparkle so they weren't always there.

    I wish you good luck in your seafight career and look forward to reading and forwarding any good ideas which you may post :)

    Any more questions? :)

  5. ImFriendly

    ImFriendly Forum Apprentice

    No other questions.

    Thanks for your help mate, feel free to close :)
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    No problem :)

    As per player's request, I shall close.

    Happy sailing :)

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