Slashing Blade members know their jewels...

Discussion in 'Help' started by LastVoyage, Apr 1, 2019.

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  1. LastVoyage

    LastVoyage Forum Apprentice

    yes, and it was announced before the chance to jump is like 1000% what of course is too much since 100% would be enough to be sure it happen. I just bought that membership to craft my gems and I did like 10 by now and get more and more frustrated. Only the 2nd jumped out of the 10 stones - that even happen without any payment.
    Is that function broken? If yes please book my gems back and I do once fixed. Really annoying if there is stuff for sale with too wrong descriptions or/ and not keeping all the promises at all.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  2. ◄ऌ►Edwarrd◄ऌ►

    ◄ऌ►Edwarrd◄ऌ► Someday Author

    it means that the chance to jump a level is 1000% higher.. and if the chance is 1% then it will be 1000% higher, so it will be 10% if i'm right
  3. LastVoyage

    LastVoyage Forum Apprentice

    but still it shall happen more often - when it didn't jump I used all 4 chances, ergo spend more pearls and the "random wheel" for the next gem was turned like 40 times = should happen 4 times with the higher gem? Even if chances are not equal distributed among players, just 1 times higher gem dasen't make sense as selling advertisement? And they should refer to such base if it exist so people don't get confused. For me it did read like fool-proof that it will and must jump 2 levels :-(

    TEX~BULL User

    Your fellow pirate is correct. The 1000% higher benefit of the Slashing Blades means that it is 1000% (10 times) higher than the initial chance. We do not know what this initial chance is, however, we do know that it decreases the higher level the gem you are trying to craft.

    As an example, if you had a 0.1% chance to skip a gem level, that would increase to 1%.

    Please also remember that this is entirely random, although the chance could be 1 out of 10 (again, we here on the forum do not know), you may be unlucky and not receive the level skip after 100 or more attempts; lady luck plays an important role here.

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
  5. LastVoyage

    LastVoyage Forum Apprentice

    Ok, it is of course a disappointment that what they sell is so foggy but you can close here. Seems nobody can tell anyway what will be the chance in the end.

    TEX~BULL User

    We really can't because the is varies and we have not been given the exact information. Sorry. As the OP states we can close:

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