Soccer Bonus System

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Soccer Bonus System
    A few adjustments have been made to the Soccer Bonus system.

    The following changes will be taking effect,

    1. The pop up for the Soccer Bonus will now appear 12 hours before the match
    2. The number of goals scored is multiplied by your Pearl purchase — this always includes the original purchase
    3. For exhibition matches, the number of goals counted for the bonus is capped at 4. For championship matches the cap is 5 goals
    So if your team scores with 2 goals, you receive double the amount you purchased.

    With 3 goals you will get a mega happy hour bonus and with 4 goals you get 3 times the amount you purchased on top.

    So: for a championship match where you score 5 goals, you'll get the equal to a Double Mega Happy hour!

    All other limitations still apply. For example the transaction must be completed before the match kicks off.

    Wire transfers are still excluded from the Soccer Bonus.

    For more information please see
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