Some Cannons automatically removed, Slow ship

Discussion in 'Help' started by Art.Of.$pirits, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. Art.Of.$pirits

    Art.Of.$pirits Forum Apprentice

    Hi, Why some of my cannons are automatically removed??

    whenever I login, my some of my 60lbs cannons are removed

    and one more thing

    why is it whenever I login into the game my ship is very slow
    and it is resolved when I unequip and equip my sails, or get sunk
  2. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Art.Of.$pirits there have been several threads on these too issues. They are known and being addressed by programmers.

    For the non, please check you cannons and re-equip them. and as you have noted, removing and re-equipping sails will adjust your speed.

    We know this is not the ideal solution and will keep the players informed as to the status by updates in the forum.

    I hope this clears it up for you.
  3. Art.Of.$pirits

    Art.Of.$pirits Forum Apprentice

    ok thank you
  4. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    As the question is resolved, I am closing this thread.

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