some changes

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by *Mr.Joao*, Jul 20, 2024.

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  1. *Mr.Joao*

    *Mr.Joao* Forum Greenhorn

    Now for some time, everyone is getting normal explosive and flares, vodoo doom and other ammos aside on fights, since these new ones make it better, i would like to suggest a new upgradeble for them, explosive and sharpnell is already upgradable, but you could had 1 more level, making them make min 110 damage each, burning ice ammo to 130 or 150 that would bring back different times of fights and better damage, since the new ones make more damage, also this deep charge that makes 250 damage, could be upgradable ratio 3:1 lets say, and have better reload, i know many wont agree, but we all know, theres many ammo just staying around on ship that on the past was the best we could use, the vodoo doom that makes 50-50 would be nice she make 80-80 or simillar, this way theres many fighting styles, hope you consider the ideias here.
  2. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    bad idea, fights are already too short due to high powered ammo.