Some Fishy Things

Discussion in 'Help' started by parazita, Mar 19, 2019.

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  1. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    Hi, I know at this point I must be quite annoying, however, I’ve recently noticed that I am not quite hitting as hard as I have in the past. I don’t think there are many things that have changed since two weeks ago. But I was consistently hitting people harder than I am now (the same people I always fight) this is just odd to me I’d hit so low. I don’t have bad cannons level 5 dooms and level 2 pains. And I run them basically half and half to maximize speed, however I just feel like the hitting is way lower than 2 weeks ago.
    !$crhys$! likes this.

    TEX~BULL User

    we need you player ID# and server so that someone can look into this. Also your opponents may have changed their skills/castles to a more defensive setting.

  3. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice


    It is indeed possible. However some of the hitting changes are very drastic.
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The total damage of your account depends on many different variables; gems, configuration, cannons, skills, trophies, buffs, and castles to name but a few.

    I can state however that the damage you are causing is well within the average expected for your account and configuration at this time.

    We also know that the damage calculations are regularly checked by the programmers, and we are informed that this is working as designed.

  5. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    Just saying I don’t think hitting some people at 20k is average but ok. Thank you for the time.
  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As this thread has been answered, it shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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