some important questions

Discussion in 'Help' started by BonusNPC, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. BonusNPC

    BonusNPC Forum Apprentice


    why i not see my ship where it is?
    why my enemys can soot across the map and sink me when i not see them?
    why some play can disapear during fights?
    why i get a ban for writing wuff in chat?
    when a other player no get ban for writing he wanna treat me like a dog?
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If you are referring to your ship not being in the correct place after being sunk, this is a known issue and is being worked on.
    Your next to questions are probably caused by lag.
    Your question regarding chat bans should be placed in the chat ban section of the forum which you can find here
  3. If you have concerns about chat moderators and possible corruption or problems in chat then you should contact support or post in the ''Chat'' section of the forums, a ship disappearing during a fight is probably lag but it could be that they have max speed and go out of your range of vision. Your ship not being in the right spot is a known issue or lag, if you break the chat rules you will receive a warning or ban, again refer to the ''Chat'' section of the forums or contact support with questions or concerns, I'd recommend keeping your chat closed.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As this post has been answered and other see fit to comment where it's not needed, I shall close, next time I shall infract.

    You do realise by doing this you could be stopping people from getting the help that they may need!
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