Suggestion Spawning admirals

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by Roolem, Jul 12, 2024.

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Do you want admirals to spawn where last NPC was killed instead of random map and place?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Roolem

    Roolem Forum Greenhorn

    TL;DR:Currently admirals spawn in random places. It often means that after spending an hour farming NPCs that are completely pointless to farm you spawn admiral few maps away, in random place, and before you find it it's gone. Someone who didn't even need it for mission/level up just took it. It would be far better if admirals spawned in the location where it was triggered to spawn.

    It's not a nice mechanic for players. Say, admiral Revenge II or Tyrannous require killing 250 NPCs, about 250 millions dmg total. About 500k ammo and 45-60 minutes of gameplay. And it goes for nothing because of randomness. Someone who doesn't need it already killed it or almost killed it by the time you find it - only because he happened to do nothing but in good place and in good time. And whatever you do you lose - because it spawns elsewhere.

    What it leads to is players feeling powerless and having no agency in the game. What average person does when spending an hour on pointless NPCs turns out to be pointless again because someone who did nothing and didn't need that admiral already took it. You quit the game and consider if you should even play again ever again. And then another level up mission comes in up in a week and it happens again. So you consider if you shouldn't quit playing this game entirely. And such scenario might happen 30+ times since that's how many level ups that require admiral there are in the game.

    If there's 1% chance that player quits game for good after each such incident it means that after 30 such incidents there's 26% chance that he won't ever come back. Is such RNG mechanic worth annoying players so much for no tangible benefit if it repeats so often that there's huge chance that over long time period lots of players will quit playing due to this nuisance?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    m0zilla likes this.
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    The admirals Revenge and lower do spawn where the player that spawns it is located, but not above that. And most event admirals also spawn on a random map. It is very annoying.