Speed Calculations

Discussion in 'Help' started by ĐãŗŗĐēvĭľ1, Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. Base speed being 30 knots with 25 knots from design and 5 knots from pilot, Is this correct?

    Sails don't come into play with adequate speed point build up is my understanding.

    Now if you use skills to the max and pick up 6 knots, is your base now 36?

    Now adding castle buffs does that 2-4-6-8-10 or 12% add on to the new base of 36? Or does it just work on the original base of 30.

    I'm sure it's not just I that would like to know how this calculates.

    Thanks in advance for your input any and all is appreciated.
  2. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    You will never be able to figure it out, lol...They calculations get fuzzy between "knots" and "speed points". Castles and skills. Good luck
  3. Spartan

    Spartan Someday Author

    Everything adds on to the original figure and then total it all up.
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    "Sails don't come into play with adequate speed point build up is my understanding".

    I don't see where the above question was ever answered for you. The answer to the above used to be if your ship was at a particular minimum Pirate Level (it was Level 6 or Level 7...I can't remember which) *then* you didn't need Sails. It had nothing to do with Speed Points to my knowledge. It would be nice if a Mod could confirm or correct me on this.
  5. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    The wording was due to the fact that if you were Level 6 or 7 you would have gathered enough speed points from shineys to maintain full speed without sails.

    Speed points do not add to your maximum speed at all. They work just like sails in other words.
    So with the mod's answer, your speed should now be (30*1.12)+6= 39.6 knots.
  6. -ironvet2566-

    -ironvet2566- Forum Greenhorn

    Ahoy m8
    As there has been no activity and you have received an answer I will close. If you have any further questions please re-post.
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