Speed Check, please.

Discussion in 'Help' started by FightinIrish, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. FightinIrish

    FightinIrish Forum Greenhorn

    I don't seem to be getting all the speed I should out of my ship.

    I am at level four on the center post and at level 2 on the stern post castle's, yet I get inconsistent speed and not able to keep up with ships that I should be passing. They do not have castles.

    Would you check this for me. I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    For all inquiries, please provide your user ID number and server. You can find this information on the login page, or in the cabin >> profile.
  3. FightinIrish

    FightinIrish Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you Seren. This is the first time I have posted here.

    ID# is 40/41934821
    Server: USA 1 (East Coast).

    Again, I would appreciate anything that can be done.

    TEX~BULL User

    As this is a relatively new account (less than a year) and the skill points and castle set up you have, you are sailing at the correct speed. I know you see ships fly past you like you are sitting still (relatively speaking) they are either full castle ships or have skills set up in speed. I can find nothing wrong with the behavior of this account.
    FightinIrish likes this.
  5. FightinIrish

    FightinIrish Forum Greenhorn

    Although it still seems I should have more speed, I thank you for you efforts. All I could ask for is to have it checked.

    Much appreciated. I will keep trying to get more speed.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Speed points are very important. Speedpoints are exactly as their name says, they give you speed.

    Speed points are found in the shineys and once your maximum speed is reached they will keep on being added to your ship. They are used to maintain your speed after your ship has been damaged in battle or if you are carrying lots of items on board like cannonballs which have weight like hollows harpoons etc. which will slow your ship.

    Speed points will help to keep your ship at it's maximum speed. Note that they will not increase your ship's maximum speed.

    The more you have the more damage you can sustain before loosing ships top speed, also the more speed points you have the more weight you can carry before top speed is reduced. Weight on board yer ship is the only thing that slows your vessel down.

    There is nothing wrong with the speed you are sailing at with the configuration of your account.

  7. FightinIrish

    FightinIrish Forum Greenhorn

    I picked up another skill point and I see what you are saying.

    I do thank you for checking this out and letting me know what I need to do to help myself.

    Your post was very helpful M8
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this is now resolved.

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