speed points and dock agreements

Discussion in 'Help' started by ▬☼DooM☼▬, Sep 29, 2014.

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  1. ▬☼DooM☼▬

    ▬☼DooM☼▬ Junior Expert

    come on, i know fairly recently it was stated , that compensation for these would take some time, but its been about a year now, that is way too long
    come on sort it out,
    just amazing, that they have time to make stuff to sell for £££, but dont have the time, to recompense for things we already had ,
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    We know that it can be frustrating to wait, but players were told that this could take some time. This is subjective but on the whole it usually means a while.

    I will however forward this, so thankyou for the feedback :)

    As forwarded, I shall close.

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