Speed Points

Discussion in 'Help' started by Misstress, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice


    where , on my ship, does it indicate how many speed points I have. If there isn't a place, how can I find out how many I have?

  2. DΣΜΘN

    DΣΜΘN Forum Apprentice

    they have removed the speed points from the game you can get speed through castles skills and sails hope this answers your question m8
  3. Misstress

    Misstress Forum Apprentice

  4. -=Shaggy=-

    -=Shaggy=- Junior Expert

    Hi there

    As your fellow pirate stated the speed points are no longer and you can get speed by castles sills and sails.

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