Spy and Logbook.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dream~Crusher, Jan 31, 2025.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    I was shooting an event ship in Atlantis today, and noticed one player hitting really hard. I wanted to see how much of a damage percentage that he was dealing, so I spied his stats. I decided to recheck it a few minutes later for something else in his stats, and suddenly, he showed as not being online. So again, I alt-clicked him for his id, and spied him again, and he wasn't online. But he was sitting there in front of me still shooting the npc! I don't know what happened, but the spy malfunctioned. And I double-checked myself, and got the same "not online" answer. I just wanted to let you know.
    Also, the logbook has a problem. The first screenshot is using the "received" filter, and it does not show my "coins of effort" being spent and the prizes I received. (To save time, I often filter the results for only items "received"). In the second screenshot (using "select all"), it does show the "coins of efforts" and prizes. I rely on these filters to work, and at least here, they did not.


    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    We had no further reports regarding the Spy.

    Upon reviewing it right now I can see that this part of the game is working as intended.

    Regarding the logbook I will forward this to be reviewed.

  3. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    Thank you.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As stated previously this has been forwarded.

    Since there are no further questions I will close this thread.


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