Starving pet

Discussion in 'Help' started by Southern~Knight, May 27, 2014.

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  1. Southern~Knight

    Southern~Knight Forum Apprentice

    The pet food is not working. Have been trying it for several days. I can select it, but it never does engage any effects.

    User ID: 40/13105488
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Can you click the + button to activate it? or is this not click-able at all for you? Also, have you tried other browsers and the normal cache clearing?
  3. Southern~Knight

    Southern~Knight Forum Apprentice

    I can click on the + button, and then the pop up window comes up that says "Do you really want to activate this food? All previous skills will lose their effects." and it has a yes or no button that I also can click, but the effect never happens, and it does not subtract the item I selected. Yes I tried other browser, and have cleared my cache several times.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Having just checked your account and upgraded your pet by placing on silver attack food, your hp has gone up. As I do not sail your ship, and cannot test it completely, I can only state that if one bonus from pet food is working then it will all be working.

    I will try and get the pet food returned to your account that I used.
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This has now been added back on to your account.
  6. Southern~Knight

    Southern~Knight Forum Apprentice

    Hmmm, well for some reason it is not working for me still???
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As your account in question has been checked and we are unable to recreate your problem, I know it isn't the answer you want to here, but I have to give it...

    Please clear your browser cookies and cache, this will delete the old stored data and allow the new correct data to be downloaded. Please remember that after deleting your cache it may be necessary to restart your PC after. This process is best described in this forum thread
    It covers the main browsers.

    This link will allow you to clear your Flash Cache.

    This is very important as it if it doesn't clear you can experience many odd issues.

    You should also make sure your flash player and java are both up to date. Links below. - Flash Player Homepage - Java Version check.
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