'Stats Page' Expansion

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by A-R-K-Y, Oct 4, 2017.

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Should this idea be implemented?

  1. Yes - implement this

  2. No - do not implement this

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  1. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    My idea is a simple one, on the stats page list all of our AMS values which we can modify, for example harpoon reload, ELP bonus, reload time, cannon damage, npc cannon damage,etc.

    Then incorporate a tooltip for these when hovering over each stat. Showing a breakdown of what is adding to that stats total amount, e.g. 4% Cannon Damage - Manta League, 22% Cannon Damage - Gem, etc.
    Below that, have a description of what that stat is and how it works. E.g. Cannon Damage increases the damage of your ammunition.




    This way players can be well informed on how each stat works, and how they are achieving the values. Which of course matters more and more as you add new items, new stats, and are displaying these to the user.

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
    _RATTY_. and Erin418 like this.
  2. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Agreed. Anything which helps to simplify the statistics and make it easier to use and understand is beneficial to gameplay.
  3. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    nice cool idea!
  4. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Hello all,

    I just want to provide you with an update. It seems like Bigpoint have gone someway (and still working on it) to implement this idea!

    Here is a print screen which is taken from in-game:

    As you can see, when hovering your mouse over the stat, it shows you a breakdown of what is being applied to show that value.
    (Keep in mind that it is not finished, and I am sure the Castle Name and Skill Name shall eventually be shown correctly).

    This is a brilliant start by Bigpoint, and shows that they do listen and respond to ideas from players in the Seafight Community.

    I now would personally like to see this polished up a bit, showing the +absolute (integer) values at the top, then -absolute values, followed by the +percentage values and then the -percentage values, just so it is easier on the eyes for the users.

    I would also still like a description of the stat to be implemented below this, just to clarify exactly what it does and how it works to all users. Not forgetting the many other stats which should be added to this page.

    Thank you BP!
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