Storage Trove

Discussion in 'Help' started by riverhawk, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. riverhawk

    riverhawk Junior Expert

    What happened to the storage trove menu? The server went down for maintenance yesterday, and today, I couldn't find the storage trove menu.
  2. theFaintSmile

    theFaintSmile Padavan

    If you go onto the seachart under the ship menu, there will be a Ship Equipment tab where you can add or remove cannons, beams and figureheads, or purchase "Slots", with that being said the storage trove has been removed.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    The storage trove is no longer active due to the recent update in the game. This is now displayed on the seachart and more information can be found by following this link to the relevant seafight bible page.
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