Suggestion Storms of Winter: Lag/Freezing issue.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Back~For~Vengeance, Dec 1, 2017.

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  1. Back~For~Vengeance

    Back~For~Vengeance Forum Apprentice

    Dear Bigpoint,

    I am writing to you as a player who is trying to play your event. My main issue is that the game keep either freezing or lagging while i try to fight ships or sail across the water, this effects my game play in a huge way. I am finding it hard to play though the endless freezing and lag.

    Suggestion: Please inforce restarts of your servers every 2-3 hours to help combat the lag.

    Thank you for reading.
    Lil`Wolf and abah2 like this.
  2. This has been forwarded. This is a known issue, and is currently being worked on.

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